Your Recommendation

Here is the coverage amount we recommend for you.
Coverage Amount

Your family needs a financial support of a ${coverage_amount} life insurance payout to let them maintain their current lifestyle if you pass away tomorrow.

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Why ${coverage_amount} of coverage?
plus sign
If you pass away tomorrow, your family would need the financial support of a ${coverage_amount} life insurance payout to let them maintain their current lifestyle.

How was this calculated? We added up the total amount of money that your family will spend if they don’t make any changes to their current lifestyle, and subtracted out all the money that will be available to your family in the future.  

${coverage_amount} is needed to make up the difference.
Children's expenses until age of 25
Children's education
Partner's expenses for life
Partner's future income
Existing coverage already in place
Additional Insurance coverage needed
What are my next steps?
plus sign
Click See Prices to compare rates from Canada's top insurers that are tailored to your recommendation. On the next page you will:

 1) Choose an insurance policy
2) Complete your application
3) A licensed insurance agent reviews your application before submission
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